Photo/brut /

Decharme, Bruno,

Photo/brut / Bruno Decharme. - 322 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

This groundbreaking volume on photo brut presents the work of 40 artists, revealing a fascinating and boundary stretching art form that tackles unconventional approaches to photography, and gives voice to marginalised and provocative artists from around the world. Photo brut - a genre of art brut, or outsider art - spans photography, prints, photomontage, collage, and other combinations of media and techniques. This art form allows those living on the fringes of society to share and voice their unique perception of the world, offering unconventional approaches to issues of sexuality, identity, and reality. These 520 works of photo brut are visceral and intimate; they offer profound insight into the realm of outsider art and present new ways of contemplating and interpreting the world.


9782080204325 (hbk.) : £45.00

Photography, Artistic.
Art brut.
