Accumulation of assets for the worker : programme, response, result /
Leber, Georg
Accumulation of assets for the worker : programme, response, result / Georg Leber. - [Frankfurt (Main), Industrigewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden, 1964 . - 187 p. PBK - Schriftenreihe der Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden .
Profit-sharing - Charts, diagrams, etc
Employee ownership - Germany (West)
305.5 LEB
Accumulation of assets for the worker : programme, response, result / Georg Leber. - [Frankfurt (Main), Industrigewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden, 1964 . - 187 p. PBK - Schriftenreihe der Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden .
Translation of selections from Vermögensbildung in Arbeiternehmerhand, v. 1-2.
Profit-sharing - Charts, diagrams, etc
Employee ownership - Germany (West)
305.5 LEB