Selected essays on the economic growth of the socialist and the mixed economy : Introduction to the theory of growth in a socialist economy
Kalecki, Micha± Sadowski, Zdislaw
Selected essays on the economic growth of the socialist and the mixed economy : Introduction to the theory of growth in a socialist economy text Michal Kalecki [translated from the Polish] - Cambridge Cambridge U.P 1972 - vii,176p, ill, 23cm
Economic policy - Mathematical models - Addresses, essays, lectures
330.159 KAL
Selected essays on the economic growth of the socialist and the mixed economy : Introduction to the theory of growth in a socialist economy text Michal Kalecki [translated from the Polish] - Cambridge Cambridge U.P 1972 - vii,176p, ill, 23cm
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Includes index; CONTENTS: Includes the author's 'Introduction to the theory of growth in a socialist economy'. - This translation/ by Zdzislaw Sadowski, originally published Oxford: Blackwell, 1969. - Translation of 'Zarys teorii wzrostu gospodarki socjalistycznej.' Warszawa: Pâanstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1963
Economic policy - Mathematical models - Addresses, essays, lectures
330.159 KAL